Save your Progress
We highly recommend connecting your in-game profile to your Facebook, Google or Apple account.
Please follow the steps below:
- Tap on the avatar in the top-left corner.
- Tap either Continue with Facebook, Sign in with Google, or Sign in with Apple at the bottom.
- Log in to your account if necessary.
Now your progress is saved. You can continue playing from another device if need be. Just complete the tutorial and log into your account to continue from where you left off.
It's time to bowl!
Basic principles:
- First, you need to aim. Drag the ball to move it. Swipe the arrows below the ball to rotate it.
- Drag the ball back and keep holding it.
- To bowl the ball in a straight line, swipe forward when the arrow is in the center of the hook controller.
- A long, fast swipe will launch the ball into the air. A shorter, slower swipe will bowl the ball along the ground.
- To make the ball curl (hook), swipe it forward when the arrow on the hook controller is to the side.
- You can hook the ball clockwise or counterclockwise.
- The further the arrow is to the left or right, the more intensively the ball will hook.
Be cool and good luck! But remember, you only have 20 seconds for each bowl!
Hook potential depends on the effective width of the hook controller. The wider the controller, the more intensively the ball can curl.
You can find the basics of the scoring system in this guide.

Profile, Settings, and Support
In your Profile, you can change your avatar and check your stats (win rate, number of Perfect Games/strikes/splits, etc.). You can also view your Weekly League progress, Rank, and Tournament banners here.
From Profile, you can go to Settings, where you can turn the music, sounds, and vibration on and off. The Support button can also be found in Settings. Additionally, you can find information on data protection and our Terms of Service on this useful tab.
Currency and Cases
- Chips are required to play matches and upgrade your balls and shirts.
- Gold is a rare resource. You can spend it in the Shop and other places on valuable items.
- Ball cards are required to unlock new balls and upgrade available ones.
Missions and the Crown Case
At the top of the Lobby, you can find the Missions and Crown Case tabs.
- Tap on the Mission tab to see the tasks you can complete for rewards. Once all missions have been completed, more will become available once the timer runs out.
- In addition, you can receive Crown Cases for a certain number of crowns. Earn 1 crown for every frame you win in a game. Only completed games are taken into account. The number of games is not limited. Upon receiving a Crown Case, the next one will be available after a cooldown.
Rewards for completed missions are received immediately after tapping them, and Crown Cases are opened instantly. If there is a reward to take, the tab will be highlighted in gold.
Facebook Friends and Gifts
You can invite your friends to play the game. You get 2,000 chips for every invited friend as soon as they install the app. And your friend will get a bonus case! Moreover, you can exchange gifts with your Facebook friends for free every day. Go to the Gifts tab.
There are two ways to invite a friend.
- A direct link. In this case, you'll get the reward once your friend installs the app.
- Facebook friend invite. In this case, you'll get the reward once your friend has connected their profile with Facebook.
There are three ball types.
- Power balls are the heaviest. These balls are designed to knock down a large set of pins.
- Bounce balls are designed to give you a better chance of completing splits. Pins bounce off these balls with a greater velocity.
- Precise balls are easier to aim and lighter than power balls. These balls are great for knocking down a small group of pins.
You can manage your balls in your Arsenal. Upgrade your balls — it is very important! Beginner balls cannot be upgraded.
At the beginning of every game, six balls from your match bag are placed in the same order as in your Arsenal. Thrown balls go to the end of the line. Choose which ball types to place in your match bag, depending on the pin lineup.
To change the ball after it has been selected, click on the icon in the lower-left corner.
Trophies and Alleys
Win games to earn trophies. Once you have enough trophies, a new Alley is unlocked. A lot of awesome Alleys are waiting for you!
You can check how many more trophies you need in the Alley selector (tap Play and then swipe to the left):
Every Alley has a maximum number of available 🏆 trophies.
You can still earn chips and cases from completed Series, but be careful as you can also lose your current trophies!
Pin Lineups
Once you unlock Alley 3 (Hell's Balls), the pin lineups become varied. In addition to a classic 10-pin bowling lineup, a variety of different lineups are added. Use Bounce and Precise balls and hook your balls in order to hit a strike.
A League lasts one week. A new League starts at midnight UTC every Monday.
You get ranked for earning chips in regular games while the League lasts. Challenge winnings are not taken into account. The more chips you earn, the higher rank you achieve.
You get promoted if you manage to be at the top of your League at the end of the week. There is also a relegation zone. Players who finish between the promotion and relegation zones remain in their League for the next week.
After a week ends, the top players in every League receive a prize according to their ranking.
The higher your current League, the better the % bonus for your chips and card earnings from cases.
You can check your position and your % bonus of your current League in your profile.
You can participate in the Challenge starting from Alley 2 (Skipper's Hook).
This game mode is available from Friday to Sunday.
This mode differs from classic games. Lanes in the Challenge change with each event and have additional obstacles.
The rules are simple:
- Each victory increases the reward
At three wins, you will receive the top prize! - Play for free while on a winning streak!
Upon losing, you can either take your current reward or try to win the highest prize for chips. The price of an additional attempt depends on your maximum available Alley. - Each challenge lasts for just one day
Be quick to get your prize and enjoy different bowling alleys every day! - Fancy bowling lanes
Every lane has a unique layout and extra elements.
Good luck on the lanes!
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