Why do I bowl the same way and not hit Strikes?
The key to improving your performance is understanding why balls react the way they do. That way, you can improve your game and prepare yourself for future bowls.
To help bowlers improve, we have compiled a quick guide highlighting some of the most common questions we receive, along with some tips on improving your game!
Before we start
How a ball hits pins is entirely based on the pins' level, oil pattern, type and level of your balls, alley rules, and the pin layout. However, several key factors could explain why a ball has missed or reacted differently from how you expected. Some of these key areas are detailed below:
The way you roll the ball
2. Hook — hooking your ball clockwise or counterclockwise is also a great way to control your bowls. The further the pointer is to the left or right, the more intensively the ball will hook.
3. The spot you're aiming at — it may seem that you're launching the ball at the exact same spot, but in reality, even a small deviation can affect the result of your throw.
Oil Pattern
Each alley has its own oil pattern. Blue-green spots are applied on some parts of the lanes. Balls do not hook on the oily areas.
Alley Rules
In the Rules tab of every Alley, you can find information about Pins level and Control speed modifier.
The higher the pins level, the heavier they are. So if your balls are significantly lower in level compared to the pins you're trying to take down, it might feel like you're throwing at a brick wall.
Control speed ratio in the alley's rules also has a big impact on the speed of the hook controller pointer while you make a bowl. If your ball's level is too high, and you play on a lower Alley, the pointer's speed will be too slow, and you will have only one chance to aim perfectly as the time is limited. On the contrary, if your ball level is too low and you play on a higher Alley, the pointer's speed will be too fast, and it will be hard to aim.
This is why it is important to use the right balls and upgrade them accordingly.
There are three types of balls:
1. Power balls are used to shoot as many pins as possible.
2. Bounce balls are the best option for splits.
3. Precise balls are best to hit a small group of pins.
Compose your Deck in the Arsenal according to your needs and consider all situations that may happen during the match.
Pin Layouts
There are different pin layouts in the game, and they all have different perfect spots for Strikes. The way you hit Strikes on one layout can work badly for another. For example, on a classic pin layout, you need to aim at the pocket. The pocket is between the one-pin and the three-pin or the one-pin and the two-pin. As for other pin layouts, you need to figure it out yourself or ask other players to share their tactics.
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