This is a collection of answers to the most common questions about Bowling Crew. If you did not find an answer to your question here, we suggest browsing our Knowledge Base for more information. You can also always contact Support for assistance!
Gameplay Questions
Q: "You changed the Main screen visuals, and now I can't find my boosters. Where are they?"
A: We are sorry for the confusion caused by the update! The booster icon has been moved from the main screen to the Arsenal (the second tab from the left at the bottom of the main screen). You can find the booster icon next to the gear selection, right above the name of your shirt that is currently equipped.
Q: "Where did you move the Lucky Wheel?"
A: The Lucky Wheel is on the Events screen, which you can open by tapping the rightmost tab at the bottom of the main screen.
Q: "Why do my chips disappear, even when I win matches?"
A: Your chips are likely being spent on automatic shirt recharges. This may be happening because Autocharge is enabled for your current shirt. This means that once this shirt runs out of energy, its battery automatically refills, and you pay chips for this recharge. This option is set for each shirt individually, and you can turn it off by going to your Arsenal, tapping your Shirt, and unchecking the Autocharge checkbox.
You can learn more about recharging shirts by tapping this link.
Q: "Why does the next Alley say I need X more trophies, even though I keep winning games?"
A: You've probably reached the trophy limit for your current Alley (e.g., 800/800). You must return to the Alleys that aren't at the trophy limit and keep winning to continue gaining trophies. If you stay in your current Alley, you will only stand to lose trophies.
You can see the trophy limit just before you start a match. There's a progress bar under the Reward tab. To continue progressing, please switch to another available Alley.
You can learn more about unlocking Alleys by tapping this link.
Q: "How do I play with my friends?"
A: To invite a new player to the game, go to the Crew tab, then hit the yellow Invite button and send your invite link to your friend. Here's an article on inviting people to the game.
To add another player to your Friends list, make sure that both you and that player have allowed the game to access your Facebook profiles, and that you are friends there. To connect Bowling Crew to Facebook, go to the Crew tab and tap Continue with Facebook. You can learn more here.
If you and your friends don't use Facebook, please contact Support to add an existing player as a friend.
To play a match with your friend, go to the Crew tab, the Friends section, and tap the yellow Play button next to your friend's name. You will need a Friendly Match ticket to invite someone to a game, and your friend must be Online to accept your invitation. You can find more information about friendly matches here.
Q: "Do I need to pay to win?"
A: Absolutely not! In-game purchases can speed up your progress through Alleys and give you access to cosmetic items of limited availability, but paying does not equal winning.
Q: "I see in my profile that I have a lot of green and purple chips. Why does the game say that I don't have enough chips for a Tournament entry or for another purchase?"
A: The amount of chips you see in your profile is the amount you've collected throughout your whole Bowling Crew career. This is not your current balance — you can find your balance in the top-right corner of the screen.
Q: "My balls got changed to beginner ones. Why is that?"
You might've switched to a deck with beginner balls in it. Please tap the Arsenal icon at the bottom, then look for the teal panel titled Gear in the top half of the screen. Three numbered buttons will be to the right of that panel – these are your decks. You can switch back to deck 1 by tapping button #1.
Once a new Deck is unlocked, it automatically gets set up with Beginner Balls, so make sure to swap them out for the Balls you plan to use!
You can learn more about Arsenal decks by tapping this link.
Technical Issues
Q: "Why do ads break my game and don't give rewards?"
A: If you encounter a specific ad that causes issues or seems inappropriate, you can report it:
- While watching the video, look for the information icon (usually looks like an 'i') in one of the corners of your screen;
- Then tap on 'Privacy policy';
- And when the new tab opens, tap 'Report Ad' and choose the most appropriate option.
Here are some tips that may help if you experience technical issues with ads, like loss of sound or crashing:
- Reboot your device;
- Restart the game;
- Reconnect to your network;
- Make sure you don't have any ad-blocking applications or VPN running on your phone when you play the game.
We'll continue investigating these issues and working hard to resolve them. Your patience is much appreciated!
Q: "My progress got erased. How do I restore it?"
A: It's likely that you accidentally switched to a beginner account. If your main profile was connected to Facebook, Google, or Apple ID, please try reconnecting by tapping your current account's avatar and selecting your preferred service at the bottom of the profile page.
If that does not work, please contact Support for assistance! To help Support with finding your account, please give us as much information about your profile as possible: what was its name, its avatar, its current Alley, how many chips and gold it had, and if it had any purchases on it.
Q: "Why does my game stop, freeze, stutter, or crash during matches?"
A: We suggest ensuring that your internet connection is stable and that your device has enough memory to allow the game to run smoothly.
If you have any problems with the connection to the game server, please follow these steps:
- Ensure you're connected to a network and that your connection is stable. Remember that sometimes networks get overloaded or malfunction, meaning that the connection may not be stable regardless of what the indicator says;
- If you're using mobile internet, try switching to Wi-Fi. We recommend using Wi-Fi or 3G/4G since they offer a better connection;
- You can also restart your device and reload the game;
- Please disable Ad-blocking apps if you have any. Do not minimize your game while playing.
If you're experiencing freezes or crashes, we suggest taking the steps below to ensure that your device is fully optimized:
- Close all unused applications running in the background and restart your device. This will clear up memory;
- Make sure your device has enough free storage space available;
- Remove/transfer unwanted videos and pictures from your device;
- Check if there are any software updates for your device. It's not always possible to roll back to older versions, so be careful and proceed at your own risk;
- Make sure that your device has plenty of battery power and that it is not plugged in charging.
Q: I'm trying to buy something in the Shop, but my device says that "Purchases are disabled." How do I fix this?
A: Instructions for Apple devices:
- Open the Settings app.
- Tap Screen Time, then Content & Privacy Restrictions.
- Turn on Content & Privacy Restrictions by tapping the slider. It will turn green when on.
- Tap iTunes & App Store Purchases.
- Tap In-app Purchases, then select Allow or Don't Allow.
- Try to make an in-game purchase again.
If you continue experiencing this issue, please contact Apple support for further assistance:
Instructions for Android devices:
- Open the Google Play Store app.
- Tap on your profile icon on the top-right corner of the screen, then select Settings in the pop-up menu.
- On the Settings page, tap Authentication, and then tap Require authentication for purchases.
- Then select one of the three options: For all purchases through Google Play on this device, Every 30 minutes, or Never.
- Enter your Google password when prompted.
- Try to make an in-game purchase again.
If you continue experiencing this issue, please contact Google Play support for further assistance:
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