Getting New Shirts
Every time you open a new Alley, you get its Shirt. There are also Premium Shirts, which can only be purchased in the Shop.
Upgrading Shirts
Upgrading Shirts enhances their bonuses, opens new perks and increases their maximum charge.
To upgrade a Shirt, you need cards and chips. You can get cards by purchasing them directly from the Shirts section of the Shop, or you can buy Shirt cases, which contain a lot of cards.
The maximum level for all shirts is 20. Keep in mind that after reaching the maximum level for a shirt, you will keep getting its cards. These cards will be converted into chips added to your account.
To upgrade a Shirt, go to the Arsenal, then navigate to the Shirts tab. Find the Shirt you want to upgrade, and if it has a green line with an arrow, then you have enough cards for a level-up!
You can keep track of your progress towards the next update by looking at the numbers under the Shirt: the number before the slash represents how many cards for that Shirt you already have, and the number after the slash shows how many cards you need for an upgrade.
Once you have enough cards to upgrade a Shirt, tap it, then tap the Ready to upgrade button. But remember: upgrading takes chips, so you will need to pay the amount listed on that button.
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